3 Best Online Aptitude Test Preparation Websites (3 Free sites + 3 Paid sites)
Updated November 18, 2023

- What Is an Aptitude Test Preparation Website?
- Is a Practice Aptitude Test the Same as an Online Job Assessment Practice Test?
- Why Use an Aptitude Test Preparation Website?
- Best Paid Online Aptitude Practice Test Websites
- Best Free Online Aptitude Practice Test Websites
- Why Should You Pay for Aptitude Test Practice?
- Effective Tips for Preparing for Online Aptitude Tests
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Final Thoughts
- Take a Free Test

Do you have an upcoming online aptitude test?
Are you looking for the best aptitude test prep material to give you the very best chance of getting the highest possible grade?
If so, this article will help you.
Aptitude tests are a crucial part of your job search, and you usually only have one chance to showcase your skills.
Psychometric aptitude tests can measure many different aptitudes and skill sets, in many different formats:
- Numerical reasoning
- Verbal reasoning
- Diagrammatic or inductive reasoning
- Mechanical reasoning
- Personality types
- Situational judgement and work environment tests
- Work style tests
Aptitude tests can be challenging and it is important to be fully prepared before you attend your job interview or assessment centre.
Several free and paid aptitude test preparation websites offer preparation packs to help you score the best you can.
What Is an Aptitude Test Preparation Website?
An aptitude test preparation website provides information, guides, lessons and practice questions to help candidates pass aptitude tests often taken during recruitment processes.
Some sites offer both free advice and example questions, while others charge.
The free models typically earn revenue through advertising and are not always as comprehensive as paid sites.
The premium options provide basic information for free, with the option to pay for more content, such as question packs and timed aptitude mock tests.
Is a Practice Aptitude Test the Same as an Online Job Assessment Practice Test?
An aptitude test and a job assessment test could be considered similar, but there are differences between the two.
Whereas a job assessment test may examine a candidate’s knowledge of a particular job or industry, the aptitude test does not measure intelligence or knowledge. Still, it focuses on certain skills or the candidate’s disposition.
Therefore, a practice aptitude test will not be the same as a job assessment practice test.
Why Use an Aptitude Test Preparation Website?
Quite often, the aptitude tests used during recruitment are there to filter out candidates that do not meet minimum expectations.
Recruiters only have so many interview slots, and companies want those filled by the best candidates.
Online job assessment practice tests are the best way to identify those most suited to the role.
As such, preparing for any aptitude test is essential if you want to perform your best. Websites with practice online job assessment tests help by:
Explaining All the Different Tests
There are hundreds of different aptitude tests and test providers. The ones you take often depend on the company, level and job role.
Aptitude test preparation websites have articles for each specific test, giving you more accurate and helpful information and preparation tips.
Explaining the Question Formats
Sometimes, the questions found on aptitude tests can seem unusual, especially when seeing them for the first time.
Having a website explaining the format and how best to answer the questions removes some uncertainty.
Allowing Timed Practices
Many aptitude tests have concise time limits and many questions. It is common to have less than a minute for each question.
Taking an online aptitude mock test under timed conditions helps you with your test flow and builds your confidence before the test.
Best Paid Online Aptitude Practice Test Websites
There are many websites that offer aptitude test preparation packs. Still, the best websites to learn aptitude tests and practice are:
1. TestHQ
TestHQ.com offers loads of free advice as well as paid preparation packs. It covers all aptitude tests from general reasoning to the Saville Assessments, ieGat and Watson Glaser, making it one of the best sites for aptitude test preparation.
Pricing is straightforward, with subscriptions starting at £39.99 for a month’s access.
The test packs come with hundreds of questions and detailed answers and explanations.

2. JobTestPrep
JobTestPrep is one of the most popular aptitude test preparation websites, providing accurate and useful information.
The practice packs include multiple tests and additional study guides and tutorials. The aptitude mock tests simulate the real thing, meaning you can accurately time and score yourself.
JobTestPrep boasts an 83% success rate, so you know your money is well spent if you use the packs properly.
Pricing depends on the duration you need it for, starting at £39 for one week, £49 for a month, and £69 for three months.
3. TestPrep-Online
TestPrep-Online offers a wide range of test preparation resources, including practice tests, study guides and online courses. It specialises in school-age testing, such as gifted and talented tests, school entrance tests and assessment tests, but you will also find a great range of graduate admissions tests.
The practice materials are high quality, with detailed explanations and feedback on the questions. The website also offers personalized study plans and progress tracking, which can be helpful for individuals who need a structured approach to their preparation.
Overall, TestPrep-Online is a valuable resource for anyone looking to prepare for standardized tests and improve their chances of success.
4. PracticeReasoningTests.com
PracticeReasoningTests offers 16 free tests, including spatial reasoning, mechanical reasoning and situational judgment making it an excellent starting place if you want to do a free online aptitude practice test.
The practice tests are shorter than others, consisting of around 10 questions. But there are detailed explanations and answers.
5. WikiJob
WikiJob is a fantastic website with lots of free information about all aspects of career and development, including practice tests for every aptitude test in circulation.
It truly is the best site to learn aptitude and reasoning and one you should bookmark regardless of whether you are sitting an aptitude test.
6. SHL
SHL is the creator of a very popular and widely used aptitude test. They offer a selection of free questions but do not provide any explanations or solutions.
However, if your recruiter has assigned you an SHL test, completing practice questions from the provider is a great way to familiarize yourself with the format.
Why Should You Pay for Aptitude Test Practice?
There are many advantages and disadvantages to paying for a practice aptitude test pack.
If you struggle to perform well during tests or are testing for a highly competitive job, additional paid preparation may give you the edge over your peers.
The paid content has explanations and solutions, allowing you to solve problems quicker and more accurately.
Aptitude tests are also excellent personal and professional development tools. The more you complete, the more you understand your strengths and weaknesses.
A disadvantage is that it can get expensive if you have to sit multiple tests. Most employers administer a personality test alongside several aptitude tests. It can get costly if you pay for additional preparation material for each one.
There are also many free aptitude practice test websites, all offering a selection of questions similar to those in real assessments.
Completing enough of those should be good practice.
Effective Tips for Preparing for Online Aptitude Tests
Here are some tips to help you prepare for online aptitude tests:
Know the Test Format
Aptitude tests can come in various formats, such as numerical, verbal, inductive, mechanical or situational judgement tests. Find out which test you will be taking and research the format of the test.
Take Practice Tests
Practice tests can help you get familiar with the types of questions that will be asked in the actual test. Many online resources offer free practice tests that simulate the real test, giving you an idea of what to expect. Try the ones on JobTestPrep.
Brush Up on Your Skills
If you find that you're struggling with a particular type of question, take the time to brush up on those skills. For example, if you're weak in math, spend some time revising your algebra or arithmetic skills.
Manage Your Time
Online aptitude tests are usually timed, so it's important to manage your time effectively. Practice doing questions under timed conditions to improve your speed and accuracy.
Stay Calm
Aptitude tests can be stressful, but it's important to stay calm and focused during the test. Take deep breaths and remind yourself that you have prepared for this.
Get a Good Night's Sleep
Ensure that you get enough rest the night before the test. Being well-rested can help you stay alert and focused during the test.
An aptitude test measures your abilities in a given subject, such as numerical or verbal reasoning. They are primarily used during the early recruitment stage to screen candidates for skills essential for the role they have applied for.
With the proper practice and preparation, aptitude tests are not hard to pass.
An aptitude test measures how well you perform in a given area. The most common aptitude tests are numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, logical reasoning and spatial awareness. These tests all measure how well you read and interpret information.
The best way to prepare for an aptitude test is to complete as many practice questions as possible. This allows you to see what your strengths and weaknesses are and helps you familiarize yourself with the test format and timing.
Yes, aptitude tests are typically timed. Some tests do not have an official time limit, but the speed and accuracy at which you answer count towards your final score.
You can pass an aptitude test by completing as many practice questions as possible and practicing under timed conditions. If your test is role-specific and requires specialist knowledge, such as mechanical reasoning tests, then you should also set aside time to learn the principles and tools essential for your role.
It very much depends on the test provider and subject. Some may only have three very complex and detailed questions, such as coding assessments, while others may have 15 or more.
You can get sample questions for aptitude tests from websites such as JobTestPrep.
A good score will depend on the company you are interviewing for and the performance of the other candidates. As a rule, you should aim for 80% or more.
However, the recruiting company has control over the pass mark. If your peer group performs exceptionally well, they may only take those who score 95% or more.
Likewise, if your peer group performs below expectations, the passing score might be 60%.
Usually, you cannot retake an aptitude test as they are designed to highlight the most skilled candidates. Just like an interview, you only have one opportunity to impress.
Yes, most aptitude tests are now taken remotely and online.
You can get complete guides for aptitude tests from JobTestPrep.
Final Thoughts
If you are about to embark on a recruitment process or have been assigned an aptitude test, the websites listed in this article are great places to start your preparation.
Whether you pay for additional content will depend on your budget and confidence.
Before buying a preparation pack, work through all the free resources. If you feel like you still need more support or preparation, consider purchasing one.
Take a Free Test
Want to take a look at JobTestPrep’s practice tests for yourself?
You can try a completely free practice test on their website right now.