A Guide to the Cubiks Test: Tips & Example Questions
Updated May 31, 2024

- What Is a Cubiks Test?
- Cubiks Online Assessment – 3 Main Categories
- Cubiks Practice Test Examples
- PAPI Personality Test – Example Question
- What Is the Cubiks Test Online Scoring System?
- How to Prepare for Cubiks Test
- During the Cubiks Assessment
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Final Thoughts

What Is a Cubiks Test?
The Cubiks tests were developed by the Cubiks assessment consultancy, which was founded in 2000.
In 2019, Cubiks was acquired by PSI Talent Management UK, an award-winning provider of psychometric assessments.
In 2022, PSI Services became Talogy.
Cubiks tests are available in more than 50 countries around the world. Many highly-regarded employers in the UK use Cubiks tests, including:
- The UK Civil Service
- National Audit Office
- National Health Service
Cubiks tests are designed to help employers and organisations with recruitment, employee development and talent management. They are well known for their intuitive interface and easy-to-interpret structure.
When applying for job roles, you may be asked to complete one or more types of Cubiks test as part of the screening and selection process.
If you are already working, your employer might ask you to sit a Cubiks test assessment as part of the career development programme or talent management process.
This article offers an overview of what to expect from the Cubiks test. It also includes some Cubiks online test example questions and tips on how to succeed when taking the Cubiks test.
Cubiks Online Assessment – 3 Main Categories
The Cubiks online assessment is divided into three main categories:
- Situational Judgement Tests (SJTs)
- Logiks tests (Intermediate and Advanced)
- PAPI personality tests
Organisations can choose to use a single category or a combination of categories. Read on to learn more about each of the different categories.
1. Situational Judgement Tests
These tests are used to learn more about a candidate’s skills and aptitude for tackling a range of work situations.
Situational judgement tests are often used as part of the recruitment process for leadership roles.
When completing the Cubiks Situational Judgement Test as part of the Cubiks online assessment, you will be presented with a brief overview of a situation you may face in the workplace.
This will be followed by a list of possible actions. Your task will be to either rate or rank the responses according to how effective you think they would be.
There are no correct or incorrect Cubiks online test answers for this section, but the responses you give will provide an indication of your personal leadership style and abilities.
2. Logiks Tests
These tests are used to assess a candidate’s abilities in:
- Numerical reasoning
- Verbal reasoning
- Abstract reasoning
Both Cubiks Intermediate and Cubiks Advanced versions of the Logiks test are available.
- In the full Logiks General Intermediate Test, you will be required to answer 50 questions within a 12-minute timeframe.
- In the full Logiks General Advanced Test, you will be required to answer 30 questions within a 20-minute timeframe.
The questions in the advanced version of the test are more difficult. If you have been asked to take the advanced test, it is important to take a Cubiks Advanced practice test.
The full Logiks General Test includes questions from all of the categories (numerical, verbal and abstract reasoning).
Alternatively, organisations can choose to test candidates on individual categories. For example, they may only want candidates to answer numerical reasoning questions.
Logiks Numerical Reasoning
In the numerical reasoning section, you will need to show that you can read tables and graphs and use the data to answer mathematical questions.
The intermediate version of the numerical test has 16 questions, which you must answer in four minutes.
The advanced version of the test has eight questions, which you must answer in eight minutes.
Logiks Verbal Reasoning
In the verbal reasoning section, you will need to read selected paragraphs and answer questions about the information you have read in the text.
This might include making assumptions or summarising the data you have been presented with.
The intermediate version of the verbal reasoning test has 24 questions, which must be answered within four minutes.
The advanced version of the verbal reasoning test has 12 questions, which must be answered within eight minutes.
Logiks Abstract Reasoning
In the abstract reasoning section, you will need to:
- Study sequences
- Identify patterns
- Choose the correct shape to complete the series
Both the intermediate and advanced versions of the abstract reasoning test have 10 questions to be answered within four minutes. However, the questions in the advanced test are significantly harder.
PAPI Personality Tests
The PAPI (Personality and Preferences Index) tests are used to find out how a person behaves in the workplace.
The test is presented in questionnaire format.
- PAPI N is the normative version of the test. If you are asked to take the PAPI N test, your results will be compared against those of other test-takers.
- PAPI I is the ipsative version of the test. If you are asked to take the PAPI I test, your results will be considered on an individual basis.
There are no right or wrong answers in the PAPI personality tests. However, it is important that you choose the Cubiks online test answers that best reflect your usual behaviour.
You should never be tempted to choose the answer that you think the recruiter is looking for. This could lead to being recruited for a role that you are not suitable for.
Before taking a personality test, it is important to carry out some research into the values of the company you wish to work for.
Browsing the corporate website is a good place to start. Understanding the company culture will help you decide if you would fit in.
Cubiks Practice Test Examples
Situational Judgement Test – Example Question
You have recently started working in a mobile phone shop. A customer comes into the shop to ask for recommendations on the type of mobile phone he should buy. You talk to the customer about a few different options and make a recommendation based on their preferences and requirements. The customer indicates that they want to go ahead and buy the mobile phone you have recommended. You then notice that there is a new model of smartphone on the shelf, which you are not familiar with. What do you do?
a) Decide not to say anything about the new model. The customer appears to be happy with their choice based on your recommendation.
b) Ask a colleague with knowledge of the new model to speak to the customer about it.
c) Advise the customer that there is a new model, but suggest that the customer should go ahead with your original recommendation.
d) Explain to the customer that there is a new model that you have not mentioned. Tell the customer that you will go to find out some more information about it so that they can be fully informed of all the different options.
The combined age of a dog and its owner is 96 years. If the owner is three times older than the dog, how old is she?
a) 28
b) 37
c) 72
d) 81
e) 96
f) None of the above
Choose the word that is the exact opposite of 'faithful'.
a) Simplistic
b) Disloyal
c) Superficial
d) Devout
Logiks Test Abstract Reasoning – Example Question
You can view example questions for the abstract reasoning section of the Cubiks test on the Talogy/Cubiks website.
Which is the next in the sequence?
Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statement:
“I enjoy working in an ever-changing work environment”.
a) Strongly disagree
b) Disagree
c) Slightly disagree
d) Neither agree or disagree
e) Slightly agree
f) Agree
g) Disagree
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What Is the Cubiks Test Online Scoring System?
Automatic computer-generated scoring is used for the Cubiks Logiks Advanced Level Test. This means that you will see your results immediately after taking the Cubiks test online.
Your test result is based on how many correct answers you give. It also takes your speed and level of accuracy into account.
Your percentile score shows how you performed against other candidates taking the same test.
If you achieve a percentile score of 75, this means that you performed better than 75% of other people taking the same test.
For the Cubiks Logiks Intermediate Level test, a standard nine score is used. This is referred to as a Stanine score.
Your Stanine score is shown as a one-digit result between 1 and 9. Each score relates to a different group of people taking the test.
It is designed to rank test-takers from the lowest to the highest performers.
A Stanine score of 1 indicates that you performed in the lowest 4% of candidates. A Stanine score of 9 indicates that your performance put you in the top 4% of candidates.
The Stanine scoring system makes it easy to see whether your result is above or below the mean score of 5.

When taking the Cubiks test, you should aim for a score within the top 20% of candidates.
This means you should work towards achieving a score of 80 on the advanced Cubiks test, or a Stanine score of 8 on the intermediate level Cubiks tests.
Although there is no set pass or fail mark for the Cubiks online tests, you will need to score at least the minimum percentage set by the recruiter in order for your application to move forward to the next stage of the hiring process.
How to Prepare for Cubiks Test
Step 1. Understand the Test Format
Knowing what to expect from the format of the test is vital.
The best way to gain an understanding of the Cubiks test format is by completing a Cubiks practice test.
Some Cubiks tests include a variety of questions presented in different formats.
This is particularly relevant to the verbal reasoning tests.
For some of the verbal reasoning questions, you will be asked to make an assumption based on a passage of text. For others, you will need to read a block of text and infer information from it.
It is important that you have the ability to quickly recognise what is being asked of you.
Step 2. Take a Cubiks Online Practice Test
Many people find the Cubiks online tests very challenging. In particular, most people find the time constraints make these tests more difficult.
The best way to perform well on your Cubiks test is to become familiar with the test format and type of questions you will need to answer.
This Cubiks test preparation will help to give you a confidence boost, which means you will feel more relaxed on the day of the test.
Working through a Cubiks practice test will also allow you to improve your time management.
You should try to answer as many different Cubiks online test example questions as possible.
Step 3. Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Knowing your personal strengths and weaknesses is key to your preparation.
Gaining this insight will help you to work on any areas you need to improve on.
Taking a Cubiks practice test is a good way to identify your areas of strength and weakness.
Once you have identified any areas of weakness, take steps to address them accordingly.
Step 4. Develop Techniques for Solving Different Tests
Working through practice tests as part of your Cubiks assessment practice will also help you ‘tune in’ to the different question types you will be faced with.
Having this understanding means you can come up with your own way to approach each question.
For example, you might want to use a process of elimination when answering the verbal and numerical reasoning questions.
You may prefer to read the passage of text in a verbal reasoning question before looking at the possible answers – or you might prefer to look at the answers first.
Some candidates prefer to answer the questions that they find easiest first, and then return to the more difficult questions.
The technique that works best for you is personal. Completing as many practice assessments as possible will help you to identify an effective working method.
During the Cubiks Assessment
Have the Right Tools With You
Calculators are usually allowed for the Cubiks tests – but it is important to double check beforehand. You will also need a notepad and pens.
Read the Questions Carefully
Avoid falling into the trap of answering without reading the question properly. Even though the test is time-limited, it is vital that you gain a full understanding of what is being asked of you before choosing an answer, otherwise you risk unnecessarily losing points.
Answer the Easier Questions First
You will be working against the clock, so it’s usually best to work your way through the questions you find easiest first. Afterwards, you can use the remaining time to tackle the more difficult questions.
Don’t Be Afraid to Guess
If you have returned to a difficult question but you are still unsure, don’t be afraid to make an educated guess. You will not lose points for giving an incorrect answer, so it is always best to submit an answer even if you are not sure that it is right.
Pay Attention to Example Questions
If you are searching for a Cubiks practice test, Cubiks provides a few official example questions on its website.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Cubiks test is a type of psychometric assessment. It is designed to test a candidate’s cognitive ability and aptitude for specific job roles and employers. Cubiks tests are provided by Talogy, an international Human Resources consultancy.
Many candidates find the Cubiks test challenging. This is especially true for people who have not previously completed a psychometric assessment.
One of the most challenging aspects of the Cubiks test is the time limit. Questions must be completed within a specific timeframe, so candidates are required to work under pressure.
You can find many resources online to help you practice for the Cubiks test.
The official Cubiks website has several official example questions.
You can also use websites such as TestHQ, which is a highly-rated source of advice and support on psychometric testing.
There are a few different assessments under the Cubiks test umbrella.
The combined Logiks Intermediate Test comprises 50 questions. The Advanced version of the Logiks test is made up of 30 questions.
These questions are a combination of abstract reasoning, numerical reasoning and verbal reasoning questions.
A ‘Stanine’ (standard nine) score is used for the Cubiks Logiks Intermediate test.
This is a single-digit result between 1 and 9, and it is designed to help recruiters rank test-takers according to their performance on the test.
If you score 1, this means that you performed in the lowest 4% of candidates. If you score 9, you performed in the top 4% of candidates. The average score in this case is 5.
For the Cubiks Logiks Advanced test, your results are given as a percentile, indicating how many test-takers you performed better than. Therefore, a score of 50 is average.
The Cubiks test can be taken online or at a supervised assessment centre. Check with the organisation asking you to take the assessment to find out the test format.
There are many online resources that offer practice questions for the Cubiks test.
TestHQ publishes a variety of Cubiks test practice free aptitude tests, including numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning and abstract reasoning questions.
The answer to this question depends on the type of Cubiks test you have been asked to take.
If you are taking a situational judgement or personality test, there are no right or wrong answers – so you cannot pass or fail. However, the answers that you give will help the recruiter to decide whether you would be a good fit for the job role and organisation you have applied for.
For the Logiks tests, there are right and wrong answers for each of the questions. The score you need to achieve will be set by the recruiter, but you should aim to be within the top 20% of candidates taking the test.
There is no limit set by Talogy to how many times you can take the Cubiks test.
However, each employer may set their own guidelines on this. For example, a recruiter may say that you must wait six months before you can reapply and retake the test.
Check with the individual recruiter or employer to learn more about their policy on this.
In order to be eligible to take the Cubiks test, you will need to apply for a role or promotion where the recruiter deems the test to be relevant.
Many employers use the Cubiks test as part of the hiring process. These include jobs working for the NHS and the police force.
You can find a variety of resources on the Cubiks test online, for example, on TestHQ.
Final Thoughts
Cubiks aptitude tests form an important part of the recruitment process for many organisations.
Employers often use them as a way to sift out unsuitable applications.
Knowing how to approach the Cubiks test is vital to securing a job offer.
The best way to prepare for the Cubiks test is to complete as many practice tests and Cubiks test sample questions as possible.
You should aim to complete a variety of psychometric tests as part of your preparation. Knowing what to expect will help you to improve your time management and give you a confidence boost on the day of the test.