Postal Exam: USPS Virtual Entry Assessment – MP 476
Updated November 18, 2023

If you are looking to work in the United States Postal Service, you will need to pass the USPS Postal Exam 476.
The USPS Postal Exam 476 is an online test that screens for the best candidates. The exam is used to find suitable candidates for a range of positions, including mail processing clerk, data conversion operator and clerk-related positions.
This article will outline what the USPS Postal Exam 476 includes, with particular attention to the separate sections of the examination.
In addition to this, how the exam is scored and how you can best prepare for it will be covered. There will also be a list of frequently asked questions for you to refer to if you have any doubts.
What Is the USPS Postal Exam 476?
The USPS postal exam 476, also referred to as the ‘mail processor VEA exam’ is a virtual entry assessment used to fill various positions relating to mail processing and data conversion.
Recently, the 476 virtual entry assessment has been revised to prioritize customer satisfaction. The US postal service developed the postal examinations to find employees who could ensure this.
The old format of the postal exam was simply the postal exam 473.
With the revisions, the exam is now split into four pre-employment assessments of postal exams:
- 474
- 475
- 476
- 477
Responsibilities, like address recognition and route designation used to be a major point of assessment of the exam.
However, with the development of technology, these skills are no longer considered the main priority. Now, the staff must concentrate more on the customer.
The USPS exam is a prerequisite for an entry-level position in the US postal service. If you are applying to any position that requires handling and distributing mail, you will likely sit a USPS exam.
The Sections of USPS Postal Exam 476
The USPS assessment test 476 deals predominantly with mail processing positions. The examination is almost identical to the 475 USPS exam; however, there are differences in the questions concerning work scenarios.
There are a total of five sections to the post office assessment test 476. Each one examines the applicant’s personality and your approach to handling mail.
Because of the focus on customer satisfaction, the US postal service has prioritized candidates that can handle members of the public well.
The purpose of the introduction is to inform the candidate of what career they may enter. It also attempts to make the candidate feel comfortable about answering the questions.
The introduction outlines the employment practices of the USPS. In addition, potential candidates will gain an insight into the types of roles that this assessment is used for.
Postal exam 476 sample questions will be given, and there will be a tutorial on how the candidate should answer the questions.
Work Scenarios
The work scenario section judges how you will perform and respond to real-life working scenarios.
There are nine questions in this section, with each one giving you a different situation to respond to.
The candidate will have four different responses to choose from. They must choose an answer that best represents the company’s values and the job role they are applying for.
This section should take no longer than fifteen minutes to complete; however, if you are unsure about answering, then it is best to take more time.
An example of a work scenario may come in the form of an unexpected challenge.
A colleague is late back from a delivery duty, and it has caused a backlog of work.
How would you respond?
Choose an answer from the following:
a) You report the problem to your supervisor
b) You attempt to contact the missing colleague to reorganize their workload
c) You attempt to fit the delivery into your own schedule and inform your supervisor that you have done this
d) You do nothing as it is not your delivery and therefore, it is not your responsibility
Tell Us Your Story
This section will deal with a candidate’s employment history and educational background.
There are 22 questions that allow the candidate to showcase their best skills.
For example, you may be asked to rate your communication skills on a scale of one to five, with five being the highest and one being the lowest.
The purpose of this section is to examine the personality of the candidate further. It also allows USPS to see what the candidate thinks of their working abilities.
With the questions being as straightforward as the one demonstrated above, they should take no longer than fifteen minutes to complete.
Describe Your Approach
The describe your approach section is the longest part of the USPS 476 exam.
There are a total of 79 questions, and with each, you will have to display to what extent you believe in the statement being presented.
You may be asked to agree or disagree with a statement, or you may have to choose whether you dislike or like a working style.
This section has many questions because USPS wants to understand exactly who you are.
If you are introverted and independent, this will eventually be displayed through the consistency of your answers.
Because there are 79 questions in this section, it can take anywhere between 15 to 30 minutes to complete.
'You prefer to learn on the job rather than listen to others'.
The answers to this will be:
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Neither agree nor disagree
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Check for Errors
This section deals primarily with a candidate’s ability to spot any inconsistencies.
Because employees of USPS are dealing with postal codes and high frequencies of numbers, they must be aware of any errors.
Attention to detail is a key skill needed by any postal service worker.
There are 12 questions in this section, and it can take around 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
An example of a question from this section will be:
Spot the postal code error:
a) FBC 4751
b) FBC 4753
c) FBC 4765
d) FBC 4757
How Is the USPS 476 Assessment Scored?
The USPS exam is scored out of 100. You need at least 70 out of the total to pass.
As soon as you submit your exam, your total score will be made available to you immediately.
The only section that is based upon factually correct answers is the final section: check for errors.
Every other section in the examination is based on your characteristics and personality. In this sense, you are not giving either a right or a wrong answer; however, you are providing answers that check how suitable you are for employment.
If you do not receive the required pass mark of 70, it may not be because you have technically failed or got answers wrong. Instead, you may not have the personality that’s suitable for USPS work. Do not be disheartened if you fail the examination.
If you pass, your application will be moved on to the next section. If you fail, you will receive the result 'ineligible'.
You must wait for at least two years before you can apply for another USPS position.
The reason for this is that the USPS receives many applications, and it requires the right staff who will get on board with its customer satisfaction principles.
How to Prepare for the USPS Postal Exam 476
Step 1. Research
To understand what USPS is looking for in its candidates, it is worthwhile researching the job role you are applying for.
The USPS 476 exam deals primarily with candidates who are looking at mail processing. Therefore, the requirements are different for someone who is undertaking a 474 or 475 examination.
Research other job markets like Glassdoor and Indeed, and pick out the job role requirements from the descriptions listed.
If it’s possible, you can also talk to people who work in the postal service. Ask them about what their job role requires and what staff are expected to do on a daily.
These answers will help you deal with scenarios presented to you during the examination.
Step 2. Time
Even though there is no time limit to the USPS postal exam, the algorithm keeps track of your time and even determines your final score.
The quicker you can answer the questions, the more likely you are to receive a better score.
It is best to sit the examination in one go. Avoid stepping away from it until it is finished. If you need to take a break, then this is fine, but make sure you complete the test in one sitting.
Step 3. Practice Papers/Postal Exam 476 Practice Tests
Although the USPS exam is not an aptitude test, it certainly mirrors other personality tests.
It is a good idea to take other personality tests to get used to the style of questioning.
If you have an idea of how to answer the questions and deal with the format, you will get through the test quicker.
This will result in a better score, meaning you are more likely to get to the next stage of the application process.
You can also sit sample papers and free postal exam 476 practice tests that mock the USPS 476 exam, as well as find postal exam 476 study guides online.
Step 4. Preparation
The total time to take the test should be no longer than 90 minutes. Ensure you have space in your day to do this.
Make sure you also have a stable internet connection during the examination. Stay hydrated and avoid any other distractions.
Though it is not a particularly difficult exam, it is possible to overthink the questions and get stressed about choosing answers to specific scenarios. This is where taking lots of 476 virtual entry assessment practice tests will come in handy.
As much as it is a good idea to revise the principles and desires of USPS, do not overanalyze every question. Be confident with your answers and be honest.
If you have been honest as you can and you are unsuccessful, then it is likely that the position would not have suited your personality anyway.
There are a total of 122 questions that are spread out over four sections. The test itself should take no longer than an hour to complete.
The layout follows:
- 9 Questions for the work scenarios section
- 12 Questions for the check for errors section
- 22 Questions for the tell us Your story section
- 79 Questions for the describe your approach section
The USPS 476 exam assesses a candidate’s ability to provide satisfactory mail service to the customer. Three of the four sections will examine how a candidate deals with problems that will feature complaints from members of the public.
As well as this, the assessment does test a candidate’s attention to detail. This skill is tested in the ‘check for errors’ section.
The test has been developed to ensure that customer satisfaction is its main priority. With the rise of technology, route designation and memory recall are not the main priorities of mail processing staff.
The 476 USPS test is unique in that there is no set time limit. However, this is not to say that you can take the test at a leisurely pace.
The test is scored on an algorithm that monitors your time. The quicker you finish the examination, the better your final score will be.
The test can take anywhere between 45 minutes to 90 minutes. How long you take will depend on how familiar you are with the questions being asked and how focused you can be within your environment.
Although you do not need the top score to pass the 476 exam, you will have to wait at least two years before retaking the USPS exam.
The two-year period applies to all the derivatives of the USPS exam. These include 474, 475, 476 and 477.
You can take the MP 476 assessment practice test via the Postal Exam website.
What is tricky is dependent upon what your skills are.
If you struggle with attention to detail and spotting errors, then you will find the ‘check for errors’ section the most difficult.
If you find it difficult to understand how you behave in big groups and how your personality matches up with other people, then you will struggle with the ‘describe your approach’ section.
Taking lots of MP 476 assessment practice tests will help you to determine what your strengths and weaknesses are.
If you pass the USPS postal exam, you will then be scheduled for further assessments.
Depending on the role, you may have to take drugs and alcohol screening. This applies more to drivers than to processors, but do not be surprised if you must take one.
You will also be scheduled for an interview, so it is a good idea to begin polishing up your interview skills.
You will get your score immediately once you have finished the USPS postal exam. These results can be accessed via email or an application portal.
You will have to wait at least two years before sitting another USPS postal exam. This is because the US Postal Services receives lots of applications and needs staff members. They must prioritize those who can pass.
To pass the USPS Postal exam you will have to achieve a score of 70 out of 100.
Your USPS 476 assessment score is based upon the personality you display through your postal exam 476 answers, the time it takes you to finish the exam, and the amount questions you get correct in the ‘search for errors’ section.
The USPS 476 exam is used primarily for candidates who want to enter mail processing positions. The questions and the scenarios are tailored toward these working roles, and this is what separates it from the other USPS exams.
If you want to work as a mail processing clerk, a data conversion operator, or any other processing position, you must take the USPS 476 exam.
You can find sample papers on WikiJob and paid for and free postal exam 476 practice tests that mock the exam, as well as study guides, online.
Final Thoughts
The USPS has recently changed its working ethos. Instead of looking for candidates that are great at mapping delivery routes, they now want candidates that can prioritize customer service.
If you love to deliver exemplary service, then working for the USPS may be the right career choice.
Revise the job roles and try your best to enjoy the examination process. If this role is a natural fit, then this will shine through in your USPS 476 assessment answers.